Articles by

Mongabay staff writers occasionally publish stories under "". These articles are generally short news updates.

Elephants rejoice: China to end ivory trade

Elephant in South Africa. Photos by Rhett A. Butler. The Chinese government announced today that it will "eventually" shut down its legal domestic ivory market. The move, which surprised conservationists,…

7 conservationists win Whitley Awards

Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jeffery), captive, Philippine Eagle Center, Davao, Mindanao, Philippines. Image credit Klaus Nigge. Seven conservationists have taken home Whitley Awards for their efforts to protect wildlife in developing…

Record heat in Antarctica

8-DAY LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE ANOMALY for March 6-13, 2015. Courtesy of NASA. The temperature at a base in Antarctica hit a record high last week, reports Weather Underground. On March…

China bans carved ivory imports

Elephant in South Africa.. Photo by Rhett A. Butler. China has established a one-year ban on imports of carved African elephant ivory. Conservationists say the move, effective immediately, sends an…

Madagascar establishes a sanctuary for sharks

Zebra Shark (Stegastoma fasciatum). Photo credit: Jürg Brand The government of Madagascar has established the Indian Ocean island's first shark sanctuary in an area famous for its marine biodiversity, reports…

Ecosystem services pioneer wins $1M award

Forests like this rainforest in Borneo provide an array of 'ecosystem services' including carbon storage, flood and erosion control, transpiration, climate moderation, and biodiversity, among others. Forest Trends, a non-profit…

Myanmar’s bird species count jumps to 1114

The Black-and-yellow broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus) is found in Myanmar, which is also known as Burma Myanmar is home to at least 1,114 bird species after researchers identified 20 previously undocumented…

Rogue cop missing from jail

Lowland rainforest in West Papua. An Indonesian police official busted for illegal logging in West Papua has been missing from jail for nearly a year after being granted permission to…