Palm Oil News

Saving Orangutans in Borneo

Saving Orangutans in Borneo Orangutan in Borneo, photo by Rhett Butler Saving Orangutans in Borneo Rhett Butler, May 24, 2006 The air is warm and heavy with the morning…

High oil prices fuel bioenergy push

High oil prices fuel bioenergy push High oil prices fuel bioenergy push Rhett A. Butler, May 9, 2006 High oil prices and growing concerns over climate change are driving…

Why is palm oil replacing tropical rainforests?

Why is oil palm replacing tropical rainforests Why is oil palm replacing tropical rainforests? Why are biofuels fueling deforestation? Rhett A. Butler, April 25, 2006 [Update] In a word,…

Fires in peat lands cost climate

Fires in peat lands cost climate dearly Fires in peat lands cost climate dearly Tina Butler, September 6, 2005 [An updated version of an April 2005 article] The tropical…
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